Adult Faith Formation

Ascension offers various programs and opportunities throughout the year to foster the spiritual growth of our adult parishioners. Some of these include:

Baptism Instruction

Baptism is but the first step leading to full membership in the Church. The Church views this sacrament as much more than a once given rite to take away original sin. Baptism is only the beginning of a life of faith. This faith is a “seed” needing to be nurtured by the parents. In the ceremony itself the parents are asked if they are ready to show Catholic example and raise the child in faith. The celebrant reminds the parents that they are “the first and best teachers in the ways of faith.” Since parents are seen as the “first and best” teachers, the Baptismal Instruction program seeks to offer the parents both the support of the parish family and an opportunity for reassessing their own faith and responsibilities to educate their child(ren).

The program offers parents a review of the history and theology of the sacrament of Baptism, reaffirms their own faith, and offers them the opportunity to share concerns and faith with other parents. A video supplements the discussion of the ceremonial aspects of Baptism. This program helps parents realize the Church’s concern for them in their responsibility to raise their child(ren) as Roman Catholic Christian(s).

Baptismal Instruction is offered one Sunday of each month in the Parish Center Gathering Room at 1:00 P.M.. Baptisms are celebrated on a scheduled Sunday of each month at 1:00 P.M.. To register for the Baptism Instruction Program, parents must first be registered and practicing members of Ascension Parish. At least one godparent must be a practicing Catholic; a baptized Christian may serve as a witness in place of one of the sponsors. Contact the parish office for Instruction and Baptism schedule dates.


Disciples On The Journey

This program is one of our Lenten opportunities to grow in the Lord. Through small group sharing and prayer parishioners and their families are welcomed, catechized and invited to participate in Church life as the disciples of the Lord each of us is called to be.

Parish Book Rack

Our Parish Book Rack, located in the back of the Church, maintains a variety of pamphlets, books, and magazines, for personal and spiritual growth. This collection is maintained through monetary donations of parishioners.


Every engaged couple is required by the Archdiocese of Newark to attend either a Pre-Cana program or an Engaged Encounter Weekend as part of their preparation for the sacrament of Marriage.

R.C.I.A. - Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults

This experience is a one-to-three year process of inviting, welcoming and catechizing prospective adult converts to the faith as they prepare for the Easter sacraments - Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. The progress of the candidates is celebrated by periodic public ritual celebrations at our Sunday liturgies. Each member of the parish family must be equally attentive to and involved in the whole conversion process, because the total parish is responsible for welcoming new members and showing them what it means to live the Roman Catholic Christian life.

Possible candidates for the R.C.I.A. process are:

  • Unbaptized adults who wish to learn more about the Catholic faith with the possibility of becoming Catholic.
  • Baptized Christians from other denominations who would like to learn more about and possibly enter the Catholic Church.
  • Baptized Roman Catholics who would like to renew their understanding of their Catholic faith to prepare for First Eucharist and /or Confirmation.

For more information about the R.C.I.A., which begins in September each year, please contact the Parish Office.

Church of the Ascension

  256 Azalea Drive
New Milford, NJ 07646

  (201) 836-8961

  (201) 836-5896

Directions to Our Parish