Religious Education

Monday – Wednesday & Friday: 9 am to 4 pm in Parish Center .

During Religious Education in School
Monday and Wednesday: 6:30 pm to 8:45 pm
Sunday Mornings: 10:30 am to 12:00 noon
Closed Thursday & Saturday
Other times by appointment

May-Sept. hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm in the Parish Center.


Registration is now in progress. If you have not registered your child/ren, please due so as soon as possible. Please remember one form per student must be completed and returned to the Religious Education Office.

PLEASE NOTE: All registrations will be charged an additional $10.00 late fee per student.

If you intend to have your son/daughter continue with his/her religious education at Ascension Parish, kindly complete a Registration form and return to the Religious Education office or Rectory as soon as possible.

The Ascension Religious Education Staff:

Ascension Religious Education is an important part of the ministry of the Word here at Ascension. We are dedicated group of Catechists, aides, and Children’s Liturgy leaders, who are committed to bringing the Good News of Jesus to our young people. For many years our work was carried out under the title of Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (C.C.D), but we now use the title of Religious Education.

We offer religious education classes for children who are in grades 1-9, they are students that attend Public or Non-Catholic private schools. Grades 1 to 6 meet on Sunday mornings weekly from mid-September to the end of April. The 7th and 8th grades meet weekly on Monday evenings and the 9th grade meets weekly on Wednesday evenings. Students generally prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in second grade, and for the sacrament of Confirmation in the ninth grade. However, to be eligible to prepare for these sacraments students must have completed all grades starting with first or an equivalent program.

Our classes are led by catechists. We call them catechist rather than teachers, because they do more that teach about faith, they catechize. This means they help their class to learn to live their faith, by praying, by recognizing the importance of worship and by putting love of God and neighbor into practice in their daily lives. This is different than asking them to memorize certain basics, like prayers, the Law of Love and the Ten Commandments. During the time we spend with the children we  read and talk about Bible stories, the sacraments, the Church, morality and how all this helps us find happiness in our everyday life and how we take this happiness and serve people as God intends.

Consider helping as one of the over 25 volunteers who keep our program going as catechists, aides or other helpers. If you have a child in public school who will be entering the 1st Grade or who has not previously attended, please call the Religious Education Office at 201-836-3085 for information about registration or volunteering.

Church of the Ascension

  256 Azalea Drive
New Milford, NJ 07646

  (201) 836-8961

  (201) 836-5896

Directions to Our Parish